Our Services: Swine
Our services have one focus – helping you achieve the best herd health possible for a successful and profitable operation.
We work regularly with a range of industry including swine operations, the trucking companies and the transport sector, and government to help with a range of projects. Partnering with Prairie Livestock Veterinarians ensures your operation is fully aligned with the most advanced knowledge, best practices, expertise and resources to minimize risk and maximize potential.
Prairie Livestock Veterinarians is among the world leaders in helping develop and implement biosecurity systems. Every swine operation is unique. We offer complete herd health consulting programs that are fully customized to meet the needs and maximize the opportunities of your operation. Typical components included regular visits, ongoing herd health monitoring, proactive herd health strategies, fast response to disease challenges and integrated approaches to optimize health, welfare, performance and management.
Producer/Staff and Team Training
Our swine production management services provide comprehensive support and guidance to swine farmers and producers to optimize their operations and achieve maximum efficiency and profitability. We understand the unique challenges and intricacies of the swine industry, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to assisting you at every stage of your swine production process.
Customized Animal Health Consulting Programs
Every swine operation is unique. We offer complete herd health consulting programs that are fully customized to meet the needs and maximize the opportunities of your operation. Typical components included regular visits, ongoing herd health monitoring, proactive herd health strategies, fast response to disease challenges and integrated approaches to optimize health, welfare, performance and management.
Ordering and delivery of medication and supplies
Everything you need for your herd and your farm. We provide full service for ordering and ensuring delivery of medication and other key supplies, with options for pick-up at our offices or direct delivery to your farm. Most orders are completed within 24-48 hours once processed at our office.
CPE Assistance & Validation
- Our veterinarians are certified validators for PigSafe/PigCare (Canadian Pork Excellence/CPE) – the on-farm food safety program for Canadian hog producers. We can provide assistance to ensure you are meeting CPE requirements including providing CPE validation.
- Our team is well-equipped to provide guidance in ensuring your farm has the required protocols and documentation to help validators verify the procedures that you carry out daily on your farm. We provide cost-effective water analysis support for the annually required water sampling.
- The validation process involves a review of records, for accuracy, as well as a farm visit to ensure protocols are as reported and are effective.
Fast & Accurate Diagnostic Services
We are linked to a strong network of excellent clinic laboratories and can arrange fast, high-quality analysis to meet your needs, in the timeliest manner through the most appropriate laboratory.
Record-Keeping & Data Analysis
We assist in establishing comprehensive record-keeping systems to track key performance indicators, such as growth rates, feed conversion ratios, mortality rates, and reproductive parameters. Our data analysis services help identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for cost reduction.
Staff Training & Education
Our aim is to enhance the skills and knowledge of your team to ensure efficient and sustainable operations. Our tailored training programs various aspects of swine production, breeding, animal handling, biosecurity, herd health, record-keeping, and farm management. Led by industry experts, our programs enhance skills and knowledge for optimal swine production and sustainable business practices.
Ultrasound Evaluation
We provide expertise in the reproductive analysis of both production data and sow and gilt reproductive tract health. This service can help guide an evidence-based decision-making plan for pinpointing areas of opportunity and identifying the best ways to troubleshoot the reproductive production in your herd.
Nutritional Analysis for Animal Health Optimization
The quality and composition of ingredients and diets for your herd has a substantial impact on animal health, performance and the profitability of your operation. We offer complete service to analyze your herd’s nutritional needs and make recommendations on feeding programs to ensure optimized nutrition for your pigs at each stage of production.
Small Lot Production Consultations
Our team is also experienced with small lot, “backyard”, non-commercial swine production. We provide consultations and advice regarding biosecurity, housing, disease management, vaccination programs, treatment protocols, reproduction, and more.
We offer ultrasound services, however our clinic does not provide X-ray or other imaging modalities. We are also not an emergency clinic. We are therefore limited in our ability to take on pet pigs as patients. However, we are happy to provide support and expertise to veterinarians seeing pigs as patients and can provide referrals to an appropriate clinic in your area.
Export inspections for out-of-country transport
We provide full inspection services to ensure you meet requirements for out-of-country transport.
Disease Investigations and Diagnostics
Robust approaches to confirm challenges and drive toward solutions.
Livestock Emergency Assistance
Providing advice and linking you to resources.